Friday, June 15, 2018

Hello, this is another exercise, of the school, and this surely is going to be the last, because this is the last day of school of this course. This not mean that this blog is going to will be disappear, this means that from now is going to be 100% mine, and because of this, im going to be able to ulpoad more content, so I hope you like it.

This exercise ambout to make a inglish dictionary for kids, using calamero and google presentation.

Monday, June 11, 2018

One test of the proyect of twinspace

Today im gona speak about the awnsers of one questionnaire we had maded in one proyect with other school (in twinspace). Here we compare the similarities and differences of two cultures.

As we can see in the test, that the basques students, and the Turkish students have a lot of similarities and differences, one example of these differences are the the time to enter in the school, while in the basque school the school starts at 8 o'clock, in the Turkish start one hour later. However, we can see that the most of the people wake up near the same hour (At 07:00 AM). Another similarity in that we all agree, is in that we all use a social media, and the most quantity of the people do some kind of exercise, this is not impressive now a days, but yes very interesant.

In the section of free time, the activity that most points get is "Listen music" and the activity that less points get is "do nothing".

In terms of food, in general, the basques eat more, because a lot of us says that they heat 5 times in a days, and only 4 out of the Turkish says that heat 4 times in a day, and the most of the people of this two schools is omnivore.

In the aspect of religion, the most of the basques are not religious, but the most of the turkish believe in the Islam, and the most of the believers of islam pray (the christians no).

One big difference as to the friends group, is that the basque students group is made mainly of the friends of the same genre, the Turkish are more open in that aspect (the groups of friends are made by boys and girls).

To finish with, other similar thing that we can see in two countries, is that the most quantity of people have brothers.

Here you have the test to do it if you want:

Monday, May 21, 2018

Tinkercard exercise 3.

Here you have another 3D desing I made with tinkercard, in this time is one house with one tree, I hope you like it.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Tinkercard exercise 2.

Like in the last post, in this post I want to share you the second exercise I made in tinkercad.

Monday, May 14, 2018

Tinkercard exercise 1.

In class we are studing how to use "Tinkercard", one online aplication to make 3D design, and this is one figure that we have to imitate:

Friday, February 16, 2018

School system from the world

Now a days, in own school we are doing one work with a lot of school form diferents countries, and dude to that, we are takeing information about the culture, food, places... from all this places, and because this, I want to speak ambout those schools, and the differences im founding.

Resultado de imagen de etwinningIn one school form Italy for example, they have a lesson from 8:10 a.m to 13:10 p.m. studing 4 diferents lenguages (English, Franch and spanish or German).

Another school from Turkey (called Namık Kemal High school), they start at 8.30 a.m., having 8 lesson per day been the break time at 12.30. At 13.20, they enter in the school to continue the class until 3.40 p.m. (they having another brak time of 10 minutes).
Per week, they have six Math classes, three of Biology, five of Literature, four of English.

In the project, we are working with another school of working, but this was Zeki Müren fine arts school. Here start at 9 o clock and ends at 16.10 were they have classes like sculpture and 2 dimensional class.

Like you can see, each one has its characteristics, being different from each other.

Before finishing, I want to speak ambout my school to, im studient from the basque studient of Laskorain, were we study a lot of subjects like mathematics, biology and geology, physics and chemistry... but the special thing of this school was the class of Euskera, were we study a loved language of basque country.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Anime time 9

This anime that im going to recomend you now, I've seen it very recently, and in a short time, this anime get lot of fame, the name was "Made in abiss", and is very beautiful in a lot aspects, but especially in how they are the characters, and how give you a sensation of you are inside of one giant world.

Because this post is so small, im going use it to say you that I see full anime of one pice, and im going to make a better recomendation of that.

Hello blog + my best gift

Hello readers (if I have any reader after been one 1 month inactive), before all, happy new year, I hope you enjoy christmas, having a lot of gits. This post is only to say that im back, and to show you the gift that I most liked.

The gift was one graphic tablet, the "wacom intuos draw", this is because like you can see in one old post, I like make animations (but im so bad drawing).

Before finish the post, I want ask you what gift you get this christmas, you can coment in the coments.