Friday, September 29, 2017

Anime time 2

Today i want to recommend you another anime, in this time the anime are going to be of battles between vampires and human with demonic weapons. The name of this anime is "owari no seraph", and i recomend you even if you are a boy or a girl.

In this anime one virus spreads in the world killing all people over 13 years old, in this time, the vampires, capture childrens to use like cattle, when this happens, the protagonist
is a kid who lives in one orphanage with his friend (among them they call each other family) and they are captured by vampires too.

I think that i speak in of i of, so, if you like this themetematic, amazing weapons and great costume design, this is your anime.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

My favorite game "the legend of zelda skyward sword"

If you are fan of zelda sage like me, you will know that this game is not the best game of this sage, but for me, this game is so especial, this is the first game of zelda i pass, this is the best graphic style im my opinion, in the timeline of zelda this is the first history... they have a lot of thinks that makes especial for me, and because that i want to show you all.

In this game, humans live on floating islands, and they use giant birds to tranport from one side to other side. Zelda in this game is not a princess, but she is a daughter of the director of the school of gentlemen, and she is one important reason, her design, her personality...In my opinion this is the best character of zelda created in all games.

Another thing, is that it has a lot of awesome cinematics, so epic all of them.
The bad thing of this game, are the controls. To play we need "wii motion plus" (one dispositive to calibrate better), and we need to use the wii controller to most of things, this is bad, for example to aim.

Apart from that for me it is the game that shows better the history they have, so i don`t think that i need to say that i recommend it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The legend of zelda

The legend of zelda is a one of the best sages of Nintendo, having my favorite game, the name of this game is: "The legend of zelda skyward sword", but in other posts I’m going to speak about this game, now, i want to speak about all sage in general.

At first I’m going to explain the story of this:

The story tells that 3 goddesses creates the world: "nayru" the god of the wisdom, creates the sky; "din" the god of power creates the meadows ; and "farore", the god of courage, creates the life. After that, they create the triforce, a sacred relic which has a lot of power.

In most of the games, the villainous try to dominate hyrule, trying to get the triforce, and the hero link (one of the elected of the thiforce) beats the villain, with the princes zelda (she is one of the elected too). In the game we have to complete the dungeons and beat the boss of it.

This sage is nowadays 30 years, and the newest game is: "The legend of zelda breath of the wild". Im so fan of this story and games, and because of that i recommend ityou all.

Friday, September 22, 2017

Recomending game: Swordigo

I want to speak about this game, because it is one of the best games to play on the mobile (i don't know if is in appstore) this game is is called Swordigo,it is a combination of RPG and platform game.

This game is very unknown, but has a good and interesting story that I do not want to spoile you, but basically we are a swordsman that has to beatings the evils, leveling up, getting powers, armours and weapons. This game has a lot of secrets hidden secrets and chests. The best thing is that it is free, so enjoy with this game. (here you have a pictures)

Schedule of the blog + animation

This post is going to be only for explain something, in this blog im going to ulpoad content when i want of any thing i like, but im going to try to ulpoad one section calling "anime time" (i ulpoad the fist one week ago) and this, is going to be in every two friday's.

(Im a secret)
As this post is very small, here you have one animation created by me, of the genocide ending of Undertale. (im bad drawing, so don`t judge me):

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

AU recomendation

In the past i mentioned that im going to recommend diferent AUs created by fans of Undertale. For me the best AU "glitchtale", is an original story created by one girl called Camila Cuevas. This girl, creates animations of this AU, making interesting all chapters. Now "glitchtale" has one finished seeason (5 videos) and she is now working in the season 2.

Returning to the subject, the AUs more importants are: "errortale" and "inktale", because they have a character that appears in orther AUs ("¡inksans" and "error¡sans"). Apart of this, if you want see more AUs, here you have a list with all AUs maked until now (the list is not mine, so suport the creators)

All" AUs List | Undertale Amino

Monday, September 18, 2017

Adults and problem with videogames

Today, maybe it's too soon, but i want to speak of the problems have teenager with the fathers about video games, the reason of this, is that one day ago i see one video of the false beliefs of the videogames, and now i want to show it here.

Here is the link of the video if you want to see, but, is in spanish:

Problems with the imageIf you are teenager, and "gamer", maybe your father's tell you somethink like that you need to go outside to socialize with people. Now a days, many people think that be a gamer, it means be a unsociable people, and this is wrong, in some cases is the oposite. In online videogames you meet new people everytime doing the think you like, they not are onli a jobby, is a method of meeting people, apart of that now a days, the videogames are a conversation theme that you can use with most of people (most of teenager). Something else that was said, is that the videogames they foment the aggressiveness, this is wrong too, the videogames diden`t foment the aggressiveness, all people can can differentiate fiction with reality. Maybe those games atract the aggressive people, but does`t make them more aggressive. Apart of this, the videogames can have good consequences in themes like reflexes, the understanding of space and figures... They not cause all bad effects, on the contrary, they train you, the worst thing that can happen to you is, that after many many hours, develop a miopia, but this can be prevented with 5 minutes of breaks times for every hour.

In the video they speak a lot more than me, but i think that the idea it is understood. In my opinion, play in videogames, look anime and other think like this are`t bad, but like hobby, if think like this takes all yours time it can be a problem, but if you do that thinks moderately your parents should not have problems with that.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Anime time

Leaving aside the video games, i want to speak of anime too. Im very fan of some of animes and i want people to be able to use my blog to start in this world (anime world), im going to show you good animes. Before to start, i want to say that im not a profesional or "otaku", im only a fan of some animes, not more, so if there im wrong in something, please dont insult me or something like this, you can say it respectfully in coments of this post, saing that, we can start.

Resultado de imagen de boku no heroThe anime that im going to present you today is "Boku no hero". This anime now a days in emision (the second season), and have the thematic of super heroes. The protagonist is a teenager how doesn't got powers, in a one world in which all people has powers, but one day, he meets with he favorite hero and something happens that changes all. Of that change, I'm just going to say that the protagonist wants to be a hero.

It notes that is a widely used theme, but this anime attract a very high quantity of fans (me included), and graphically it looks so well.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Undertale: Famdom and AU's

Resultado de imagen de sans orther auIn the presetantion of Undertale, i don't speak of the one important aspect of this game, the "Fandom" The fandom of this game is separated in two faces, one face, represent all the bad aspect, the persos that insult and disturbing the people that don`t like this game; But in the other side we have the people that realy love this game and make`s thinks like AU's (another universe's) creating fantanstics histories and characters inspired in the game, and those AU`s are awesome too.

In other post i will recomed you diferents AU`s, but in this my intention with this post, is to show you one aspect of this game, outside of it.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

After the presentations

Now you know the content im going to ulpoad, so im going to start with show you one of the best game i ever played. The name of this game is Undertale, and they have a very good soundtrack, history and characters. Also have a lot of hidden secrets, but apart of all this, Undertale create you very especial feelings when you play any of there rutes, because that too, this game have 3 rutes, the neutral, the pacific, and the genocide rute`s. You can pass the game forgiving all monsters, killing all, or killing some of them, this is going to have a consequences in the course of the game and in the end too.

if after that, you aren`t going to give a chance to this fantastic game, i don't think that I will speak of games of your pleasure.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Hello world

Hi, my name is nestor, but my nikname is going to be nmania. I create this blog to show to world the things i like, and, what they are? This is going to be a very friki blog, where im going to speak/write about anime, videogames, and orther things like this.

Explained this:
 Resultado de imagen de welcome