Today, maybe it's too soon, but i want to speak of the problems have teenager with the fathers about video games, the reason of this, is that one day ago i see one video of the false beliefs of the videogames, and now i want to show it here.
![Problems with the image](!d)
If you are teenager, and "gamer", maybe your father's tell you somethink like that you need to go outside to socialize with people. Now a days, many people think that be a gamer, it means be a unsociable people, and this is wrong, in some cases is the oposite. In online videogames you meet new people everytime doing the think you like, they not are onli a jobby, is a method of meeting people, apart of that now a days, the videogames are a conversation theme that you can use with most of people (most of teenager). Something else that was said, is that the videogames they foment the aggressiveness, this is wrong too, the videogames diden`t foment the aggressiveness, all people can can differentiate fiction with reality. Maybe those games atract the aggressive people, but does`t make them more aggressive. Apart of this, the videogames can have good consequences in themes like reflexes, the understanding of space and figures... They not cause all bad effects, on the contrary, they train you, the worst thing that can happen to you is, that after many many hours, develop a miopia, but this can be prevented with 5 minutes of breaks times for every hour.
In the video they speak a lot more than me, but i think that the idea it is understood. In my opinion, play in videogames, look anime and other think like this are`t bad, but like hobby, if think like this takes all yours time it can be a problem, but if you do that thinks moderately your parents should not have problems with that.
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