Glichtale new episode
Camila Cuevas, the the creator of glichtale, 5 days ago confirmed the name of the new episode of the second season. I don`t know if you folow that series, but in my old posts I recomend this AU from glichtale because im so fan of all this. The name of this episode is going to be "My Promise", and my opinion is going to be related with the relation of Sans and Frisk. HIPE: 100%
50th anniversary of "Laskorain Ikastola"
This new is mostly a reminder for my friends, my school is going to celebrate his 50th anniversary; this blog is a school work, so I want to promote it. In the 4 of november will be done a dinner to celebrate.
Tokio Gohul 3
This new is not so "new", but is so interesant for all person who see or they going to see this anime (this anime is going to be in one future anime time). As you can see in the title, one new season has been confirmet. I suppose that is going to be an adaptation of the manga, but in the anime they change the history, so I don`t know what is going to happend. The name of this season is going to be
Tokyo Ghoul:Re
Here you have a one video of the "trailer":
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